sábado, 24 de junio de 2017


The State Trujillo, being an Andean region is very interesting in terms of its culture, history and tourism. In the Capital of the state are worth mentioning the Monument to the Armistice and the one of the Virgin of Peace, to this one that is to the south of the city it is necessary to visit it to contemplate its height and beauty and the Virgin, it seems that it was blessing to the city. By the same road you can continue to San Lazaro and Santiago, both very interesting and beautiful and where you can eat very well. From there and if you have a four-wheel drive vehicle you can continue to one of the most beautiful villages in the Andes, La Quebrada, with its streets painted each with a different color. Another spectacular town, well worth a visit, is Jajó.
In Betijoque is the Parque Esteban Valera and La Abejita, which has a beautiful viewpoint from where the lake of Maracaibo can be seen. Boconó is the most beautiful city of the state and owns the Natural Lookout of Las Lomas and there near in the ravine of Boconó can be practiced the fishing of the trout. Another must visit for the devotees of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández is to go to his hometown, Isnotú which has a museum and a chapel.

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